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CTS Welcomes New Chair on our Board of Trustees

We are delighted to welcome Alex Rees as our new Chair on our Board of Trustees. We look forward to working with Alex towards our mission to make Brighton & Hove a city where young people’s experience of homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurring.

Emily Brock, former Chair at CTS, served on the Board of Trustees for more than six years, and her years of experience and dedication to our ongoing mission have helped to make a truly tremendous impact. We would like to wholeheartedly thank Emily for her time at CTS.

Here’s what Alex has to say about joining our Board of Trustees:

Why did you choose to join the Board at the CTS?
I’m passionate that all young people have the opportunity they deserve to get ahead in life. One of the biggest barriers young people face in Brighton and Hove is homelessness. The Clock Tower Sanctuary has been serving young people for 25 years with high quality, diverse and much needed services. Everyone I speak to has wonderful things to say about how the Clock Tower Sanctuary is supporting young people in practical and transformative ways.

What makes you excited about the role as Chair on our Board of Trustees?
I’m thrilled to be the new chair of trustees because it’s a highly effective and warm-hearted organisation. The team is extremely talented in what it does. Given the evolving and growing challenges of homelessness the Clock Tower Sanctuary is needed more than ever. I am excited to work with the Board of Trustees and the leadership team to meet the needs of young people facing homelessness now and in the years ahead.

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I enjoy making positive change happen. I’ve been doing this for 25 years with a focus on Africa and Asia working with organisations like Save the Children. I’m keen to play my part in my home city of Brighton and Hove. I lead a global business based in Hove and I live with my family in Haywards Heath, am a keen gardener, and along with my son I am an Albion supporter!