Fun Ways to Fundraise!

Go above and beyond to support young people experiencing homelessness in Brighton & Hove.

Hike Against Homelessness a roaring success!

On Saturday 2nd July, we held our first Hike Against Homelessness, and we’re pleased to say it was a resounding success!

We had a lovely mix of staff, CTS volunteers, clients, corporate partner teams and individuals walking with us on the day.

Everyone absolutely smashed their fundraising targets and raised £9057 which will go directly back into our work here at the day centre. The sun shone and the skylarks gave us an amazing show as we made our way over the South Downs Way from Lewes into Saltdean. Then our generous new supporters, Pizza Pilgrims, (just next door on Ship Street- do check them out!) donated a raft of delicious pizzas that went down very well with hungry hikers.

One of our hikers said, ‘Hike Against Homelessness is a wonderful way to support The Clock Tower Sanctuary and their incredible work, a great way to see the South Downs and meet wonderful people & forge new friendships too!’

Keep your eyes peeled for next year’s hike details.